Regardless of what we encounter throughout our life,

 certain events can become life-changing.  Those

 moments that teach us how big God is and reveal

 to us more of who He is.  The more we learn about

 God, His character and attributes, the more we will

 learn He can be trusted.


 Certain events can also be used to show us who we

 really are and who we are not.  If our true identity is

 to be accurate, it needs to be based only on who

 God says we are and cannot come from anyone or

 anything else.


         God has provided us with an Owner's Manual, the

 Bible.  When we get into the Bible—His instruction   

              book—and allow His Word to get into us, we will

 have help for our journey.


 I invite you to open His Word.  Pick up God’s mirror

 of truth and take a new look at who God is and ask

 Him to help you see yourself through His eyes.




Blog Post #1



Welcome to our blog!


Here is where we will blog, blog, blog… but we

never want our blog to become blah, blah, blah!

So we’ll try to keep it fresh and interesting.